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The creatures of Kalima. When they were summoned they made a hole in the seal of Kalima and started living inside it until finally the seal became their territory. Their only purpose of living is propagating. They attack and eat all the living creatures.

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Kalima Invitation Level Monster Level) Life
Damage Defense
Defense Success Rate
1 27 990 95 -114 39 39
2 42 2050 135 - 150 68 54
3 57 4800 170 - 190 115 90
4 72 10000 245 - 290 190 125
5 87 29000 450 - 510 325 220
6 104 62000 645 -705 540 320

Lord Centurion
The Lord Centurion works as a guard of the Goddess Kalima, it was resurrected when the followers of Ark Neria gave themselves to Necron. It shows an absolute loyalty to Ark Neria and shows hostility to all the creatures from the outside world.

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Kalima Invitation Level Monster Level Life
Damage Defense
Defense Success Rate
1 29 1100 10 - 120 41 41
2 44 2350 140 - 155 75 60
3 59 5110 180 - 200 120 95
4 74 11700 265 - 310 200 130
5 89 32000 470 - 550 340 230
6 106 66500 665 - 745 555 330

Blood Soldier
The Bloody Soldiers are underwater creatures created by Kundun that was brought by the incarnation of Kundun to capture Kalima. This creature works as a patrol looking for the Guardian Jewel around Kalima by the command of Kundun.

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Kalima Invitation Level Monster Level Life Damage Defense Defense Success Rate
1 32 1250 105 - 125 45 44
2 47 2700 145 - 160 81 67
3 62 5730 190 - 215 130 99
4 77 14000 295 - 330 215 140
5 92 36500 490 - 586 370 245
6 110 73000 705 - 801 585 345

Death Angel
It's a angel from the evil world. This creature was summoned from the evil world by Kundun that is a lower-ranking creature and works as a guard of Kundun's corps. It has been summoned first and appeared on the earth before the key of darkness of Kundun was created. Its power hasn't been recovered totally but once the key of darkness is completed it will gain its primary power to work as a main force of powerful corps of darkness.

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Kalima Invitation Level Level Life Damage Defense Defense Success Rate
1 34 1550 115 - 130 50 49
2 50 3200 155 - 170 90 74
3 65 6750 205 - 240 145 107
4 80 17500 335 - 370 235 155
5 95 43000 530 - 630 415 262
6 114 80000 750 - 850 630 370

The priest of Kalima who followed the Goddess Kalima when she summoned the shrine to the different world. He transformed the followers of Ark Neria to a death angels. He has been kept in the different world for a long time while waiting for the resurrection of the Goddess. This creature can be reborn anytime by Ark Neria, he is just waiting for the day to return to the earth when the Goddess returns.

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Kalima Invitation Level Level Life Damage Defense Defense Success Rate
1 38 1950 125 - 140 59 53
2 53 3900 167 - 180 100 81
3 68 8450 230 - 275 170 117
4 83 23000 390 - 420 275 180
5 98 50000 575 - 690 455 285
6 117 88000 815 -930 670 393

Death Centurion
The Death Centurion is a powerful guardian of Kalima. Its body and weapons are protected by the Goddess and is the most powerful warrior of Kalima.

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Kalima Invitation Level Level Life Damage Defense Defense Success Rate
1 43 2300 135 - 150 70 62
2 58 4900 180 -200 117 91
3 73 11600 260 -310 198 129
4 88 32000 460 -530 330 215
5 103 58000 640 - 742 525 315
6 122 98500 900 - 1017 740 423

The Schriker was created to find the Guardian jewels hidden in several parts of Kalima by Kudun by dividing Kundun's own power. Kudun took the lead to find the Guardian Jewel to create the key of darkness using the 8 Sealed Stones in the earth but the Goddess Ark Neria was too powerful so Schriker was degraded to a creature that can only show 1/10 of his power.

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Kalima Invitation Level Level Life Damage Defense Defense Success Rate
1 50 3200 155 - 174 90 78
2 65 8450 205 - 230 145 100
3 80 17500 335 - 355 225 155
4 95 43000 530 - 640 415 255
5 111 68500 740 - 810 615 365
6 128 135000 1020 - 1120 830 473

Illusion of Kundun
While searching for the Sealed Stone in Kalima was not going well Kudun became anxious. It was hard for him to take the power of Evil God so he borrowed the power of Lemuria to create the other self. But the time for the Illusion of Kundun to go around is really short under the territory of Ark Neria so Kudun tried to assimilate himself with Kalima to find the Guardian Jewel within the short period.

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Kalima Invitation Level Level Life Damage Defense Defense Success Rate
1 65 15000 200 - 400 150 100
2 80 30000 400 - 600 200 150
3 95 60000 600 - 800 400 200
4 110 80000 800 - 1000 600 300
5 125 100000 1000 - 1200 800 500
6 140 500000 1250 - 1500 1000 600