Castle Siege Basics
- There will be only one (1) castle for each server cluster. (ex: 1 castle for Titan and another one for Bahr)
- Move to Lorencia (239, 13) to enter the Loren Canyon
- There are no restrictions for entering Loren canyon.
- Loren canyon is a PVP enabled area.
- During Seige you can attack other participants without pressing Ctrl.
- No items that should drop from resulting PK status will drop from particiapants during the seige event.
Siege Participants Requirements
- A participating guild must have a Guildmaster with at least 200 levels (regardless of class)
- A participating guild must have at least 20 members in their guild.
- Participating guilds are required to have an ally to be able to successfully use the castle features.*
- Other guilds and characters can participate in the siege as a neutral parties but they cannot win the castle.
- If the guild that owns the castle disbands, they will lose ownership of the castle
- Only 3 guilds + allies can join the siege*
Siege Participants Requirements
Mon |
Tue |
Wed |
Thu |
Fri |
Sat |
Sun |
Guild Registration period : Monday 6:00am ~ Wednesday 11:59pm |
Truce Period: Thursday 12mn ~ Thursday 6:00am |
Registration period for Mark of Lord: Thursday 6:00am ~ Friday 6:00pm |
Announcement :Friday 7:00pm ~ Saturday 6:00am |
Castle Preparation : Saturday 6:00am ~ Saturday 11:00pm |
Siege Warfare : Sunday 6:00pm ~ 9:00pm |
How to register for a siege
- Qualified guilds must talk to the Guardsman NPC and press the "Announce" button and their registration will be accepted.
- Only the guild master of the main alliance can announce intent to siege to the guardsman NPC.
- Any guild members of the guilds that have announced intent to seige can submit a Mark of Lord during the registration period.
- When the guardsman NPC is clicked, the guild name and allied guilds names rankings will show on the registry.
- When the guard NPC is clicked Siege status information will be shown.
- Only the top 3 guilds and their allies will be given a priority for the siege
Guard NPC |
Castle Siege Status Info |
Computation for registration rank:
Registration Ranking = ((Number of registered Mark of Lord * 5) + Number of Guild Members) + Level of Guild master /4
Siege Status |
Truce Period |
Starts from the end of siege till the start of the next siege alliances can only be fored during this time |
Siege Registration Announcement |
Time for guilds to announce thier intentions to attack the castle |
Registration period |
Time to bid for the top 3 slots for the siege by using Maks of Lord to enchance their ranking
Announcement of Qualified Siegers |
Announces guilds that have been accepted into the guild siege. |
Seige Start |
Starting time for siege |
* Note: Players can get a Mark of Lord through hunting any monsters.
Siege Battle Basics
When the guild of a registrant is selected, the invading team and their allies will have a sword icon and defending and their allies will have a shield icon.
- PK penalty do not apply between the guilds of the invading and defending team.
- The above condition is applicable to the loren canyon only
- PK penalty will not be applied to both invading team and defending teams but will be applicable to other characters who are not participants.
- The Guild Masters will have a crown mark on the top instead of sword or shield mark.
- Neutral characters will not be marked as attackers or defenders.
- Guild registration/withdrawal during the battle is not allowed.
Siege Players
- The invading team will have a sword icon and the defending team will have a shield on top of their character.
- The guild master will have a crown icon instead of sword or shield. (A blue crown for the defending team and a red one for invading team)
- Neutral character can attack while pressing [CTRL].
Guild Master for Invading team |
Guild Master for Defending team |
Guild Member for Invading team |
Guild Member for Defending team |
- Basic Policy and Winning condition
- The union under the invading/defending team will automatically included to each invading/defending team.
- Attacking own troops is only possible by pressing Ctrl key.
- Range attack can give 80% reduced damage to the own troops and 60% reduced damage for the other troops.
- To win the siege the guild master's official seal should be registered in the pedestral located at the dragon tower and if it succeeds the lord of a castle will be changed.
- Only the guild master can stamp the official seal in pedestral.
- To stamp press it for 30 seconds and if the 2 footholders that are needed for stamping is cancelled or the character gets killed the stamping will fail.
- If there's a remaining time even if the stamping was successful, the battle will continue but the 2 camps of invading/defending team will be exchanged.
- The guild with their official seal stamped at the end of the siege will be the lord of a castle.
Foothol |
Pedestr |
Warping in Loren The guild that owns the castle (including united guild) can warp through Loren canyon to go the castle. *Warp command cannot be used during the Siege Warfare but the defending team can warp if front of the castle by using "Town portal scroll".
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